Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Thanks Aunt Kim for taking this adorable picture!

It's been a while! Life has been flying by so quickly. It seems like every morning when I get Nix out of his bed, he has gotten bigger over night! Sometimes it makes me sad to think how fast he is growing up. Still no teeth, and still hasn't crawled. I try every day and he hates it. I guess I should savor the time that he stays where I put him. He is such a content baby that he is happy to sit and play. Especially if it's in front of a mirror. He learns new things every day and I love trying to teach him. He has mastered clapping and does it all day. He's learned waving bubye but only does it to a select few people. I love listening to him babble and say his favorite word.....dadadadada. But by far my favorite time is in the morning when he wakes up. I hear him babbling away in his crib, I go get him and get back in bed, and we snuggle as a family. He is always so happy in the morning. Although I would prefer he sleep until at least 8 but I guess I can't complain. At least he is FINALLY sleeping through the night! Ryan is busy as ever with work but still loves all his job allows him. (men's association every week... ;) ) We are absolutely loving the warmer weather. I just wish we didn't have the cold days between the warm ones. Being outside lifts Nixon's mood every time he is crabby. Heaven knows we could all use a little sunshine! Mother's Day was great! I got breakfast in bed, except that I got out of bed before it was done! Oops! Just as awesome at the table! Ryan made the best DVD of my two boys. (Thanks for the help Stacie!) Then a king crab and shrimp feast at my parent's house later that night. (You can always tell when my dad is in charge of dinner!) I couldn't have asked for a better day. All is well in the Bohm home and I'll try to keep this updated more often!

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