Thursday, November 12, 2009

First Haircut

Nix's awesome aunt Stacie gave him his first haircut today. The actual pictures are on her camera but I have some other before and afters to show you all.

Before-My sweet baby boy

After-My baby all grown up!

2 weeks and 1 haircut later and my baby is gone!

And a little plumber before I sign off...

Thanks Stace for doing such a great job with my little wiggle worm!

Halloween Pics (late!)

Sorry these are so late! He thought he was so cute whenever he looked in the mirror. The only problem was that it was so thick that he was sweating all night!

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Birthday Boy

My sweet baby boy is 1! I can't believe how fast the last year has gone. We had a little party and we got a lot of good pics, but I am just posting this one for now. I will get more up when I get time! He loved his birthday cake, especially the m&m's on it. He wasn't nearly as messy as I expected but he got sick of it after about 10 m&m's and only a few bites of cake! Thanks to all our family and friends for their help with the party, coming, and all the gifts! Nix is so lucky to have so many people around him who love him!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

The latest of our little guy...

So serious. Those eyes are just getting darker and darker. We're not quite sure what color he is going to end up with. But I sure love them. They are always so sparkly!
This is his new favorite face. It has a pretty funny sound effect that goes with it!
Have you ever seen a triple chin? That bottom roll goes all the way around the back!
Those teeth came and we didn't even know it until I tried to get something out of his mouth and he bit me! What a good little guy. I really lucked out. (I know aunt Kim. I'll get a hard one someday!)

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Bath Time

It took about 6 months for Nix to like his baths but he finally does! Here are a few pics....

With Daddy post bath. Lotioned up hair!

Happy Boy!

Strategically placed bath toys! Wink Wink

I love that he has his Daddy's eyes! Big and dark brown.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Thanks Aunt Kim for taking this adorable picture!

It's been a while! Life has been flying by so quickly. It seems like every morning when I get Nix out of his bed, he has gotten bigger over night! Sometimes it makes me sad to think how fast he is growing up. Still no teeth, and still hasn't crawled. I try every day and he hates it. I guess I should savor the time that he stays where I put him. He is such a content baby that he is happy to sit and play. Especially if it's in front of a mirror. He learns new things every day and I love trying to teach him. He has mastered clapping and does it all day. He's learned waving bubye but only does it to a select few people. I love listening to him babble and say his favorite word.....dadadadada. But by far my favorite time is in the morning when he wakes up. I hear him babbling away in his crib, I go get him and get back in bed, and we snuggle as a family. He is always so happy in the morning. Although I would prefer he sleep until at least 8 but I guess I can't complain. At least he is FINALLY sleeping through the night! Ryan is busy as ever with work but still loves all his job allows him. (men's association every week... ;) ) We are absolutely loving the warmer weather. I just wish we didn't have the cold days between the warm ones. Being outside lifts Nixon's mood every time he is crabby. Heaven knows we could all use a little sunshine! Mother's Day was great! I got breakfast in bed, except that I got out of bed before it was done! Oops! Just as awesome at the table! Ryan made the best DVD of my two boys. (Thanks for the help Stacie!) Then a king crab and shrimp feast at my parent's house later that night. (You can always tell when my dad is in charge of dinner!) I couldn't have asked for a better day. All is well in the Bohm home and I'll try to keep this updated more often!

Monday, March 30, 2009


Nix doesn't suck his thumb very often, but when he does, I take it out of his mouth. The last thing I want is to have to break that habit later in life. Daddy, on the other hand, encourages him to find his thumb. That way he won't need a binki. Which habit is harder to break???
Hmmm...What did I find?
Nix...I can see you!

Get that thumb out of your mouth!

Friday, March 27, 2009

I love peas!

Remotely clean after a feeding of peas...

Nix loves anything that is remotely related to food. He will gag a whole jar of baby food down before he will spit it out. I crack up the whole time I am feeding him because he will shudder as he tries to swallow it. Then he opens his mouth back up and grunts for the next disgusting bite!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I got it!

Here is a couple updated pictures of our little boy, even though he's not so little anymore! This is how he looks at his Grammy. He is growing like a weed and I am trying to slow him down. We are loving every single minute of it! He laughs so much and smiles at everyone he sees. I will be sad when he develops stranger fear. I always thought I loved the newborn stage but 6 months is really starting to become the favorite. We love you bubba!

Friday, March 13, 2009


Why won't my blog let me post pics????????

Thursday, February 26, 2009

My poor baby

Poor Nix. We just got back from the doctor. Luckily the doc doesn't think he has pink eye but we are going to do the drops anyways. It's amazing how strong these little babies are when they don't want you to put something in their eyes! Can't say that I blame him though... Anyways, I was relieved that it's nothing too serious even though his eyes got stuck shut last night! I would cry too!

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I can't believe I am doing this!!!!

I swore I would never do this blogging thing, but I guess there is no stopping it. If I don't give in then the world will end and no one will want me as a friend. I have to admit it is interesting to see what is happening in people's lives, but I am still going to need some time to accept the fact that I broke my own rule. I even set up a facebook account (another do not do list) yesterday and I think all my self control and morals will probably fly out the window soon enough. I don't promise I will write very often, but I am sure Jeanna will make sure I participate every once in awhile.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Early Valentines Presents

So lately we have had a hard time saving presents until the actual holiday. I guess we are taking after my brother Rick. He is notorious for giving presents early. Anyways, I gave Ryan his Valentine early because I was excited about it. (I don't think he is as excited as i hoped but oh well!) So I gave him tickets to the Pro Beach Volleyball at the E-center. I thought it would be fun for us to do on Valentines day as a family. And Nix loves anything sports related so I'm sure he'll be entertained the whole time.

Then last night Ryan got home from work and asked if I wanted to wait for my present or get it now. Of course I chose now. So we handed me an envelope with a cute little poem. Then it said, "Roses are red, violets are blue. How does Cirque du Soleil sound to you?"
I was so excited! I have been wanting to go since our honeymoon when the tickets were sold out.
What a perfect gift! I am really excited for our little trip to Vegas! Thanks baba!

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Some updated pics

Nix, my little Russian baby.
I kiss those chubby cheeks all day!
All out smile...
Being a little bit shy. I think he is looking a little more like daddy these days. What do you all think?

Grammy got a new camera and tends Nix on Mondays while I am at work. These are some of the pictures she has taken the last couple weeks. Our little boy is growing up so fast! It's amazing the new things he does every day. He has figured out that he can reach out and grab his toys and when he does so, they make noise. It's pretty fun to see his little mind working while he learns these things.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Growing up...

After many sleepless nights, we moved Nix into his own room. I was so sad to let him go but I know it's better for our sanity. I wasn't getting any sleep because he talks in his sleep and I wake up to the slightest noise. The first few nights were rough...walking down the hall every 2 hours to get him back to sleep sucks! But we made it through and last night he slept from 10:30 to 4:30! 6 hours is an all time record for him. Now lets just hope it's a new habit and not just a fluke. Daddy sure is glad we finally moved him out but I'm still a little sad. A few more nights of adequate sleep and I may be singing a different tune!

Friday, January 9, 2009

What is our world coming to?

In my last post, I posted a picture of my sweet little Nixon's bum covered in cellulite. Apparently there are too many sickos in this world and I had to take it down. Oh well, I guess I am the only one who gets to laugh at his cute bum!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

4 month check-up

Today was Nix's 4 month check-up. Poor kid got 3 shots and has been a bit whiney (*sp*) ever since. Can't say that I blame him. I hate needles too. Daddy is pretty proud of our big boy!
Weight: 16 lbs 11 oz (81%)
Length: 26 in (83%)
Head Circ: 44.4 cm (93%)
We love his round cheeks and double chin!

Pics from the Holidays

Our sweet sleeping baby...
Daddy and his boy.
Nixon and his sweet baby cousin Taygoo. ROFL!!! For real, his name is Taygoo. Sorry Kim, just had to put it. Nixon loves his cousin Teague. Can you tell who is older? (sorry Nix, you inherited the Budge head)
And Daddy's mitts! See, you did get something from your dad!
Such a happy baby.