Monday, March 29, 2010

It's a........

It looks like I am going to be way outnumbered at our house come September. We just found out we are having another boy! Just about everyone guessed boy, as well as Ryan, and my dad who is never wrong! I had no incling toward pink or blue, but it was plain as day the moment he put the wand thingy (don't know what it's called) on my belly. Ryan pointed and said "BOY!" He was right. Now for names.....ugh.


  1. YAY!!! I am so excited for you! We better get started! We are way behind now! : ) Um by the way you should probably post some pics of your current's been a while!

  2. Hey you! I just randomly found your blog...first of all CONGRATS! How exciting! I hope all is well and life is good...
