Thursday, February 26, 2009

My poor baby

Poor Nix. We just got back from the doctor. Luckily the doc doesn't think he has pink eye but we are going to do the drops anyways. It's amazing how strong these little babies are when they don't want you to put something in their eyes! Can't say that I blame him though... Anyways, I was relieved that it's nothing too serious even though his eyes got stuck shut last night! I would cry too!


  1. Oh poor lil dude! It's so crazy how long this sickness sticks around. My kids have a cough thats lasted for 1 /1/2 now and I have taken then to the doc and says its just a cold.. Still not fun. Well I hope your lil man gets feeling better.

  2. Hope you guys are feeling better. I love seeing pics of Nixon growing up.
